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District Incentives in the 2024-2025 Term

Sep 3, 2024

4 min read




Aloha District 49 Toastmasters. Here is the list of incentives in District 49 in the 2024-2025 term

Clubs with all 7 Club Officers trained in Round 1 by 8/31/2024 - Qualified clubs will receive "Where leaders are made" ribbons and will be recognized in social media

Smedley Award between 8/1-9/30/2024 - Clubs that gain 5 new, dual, or reinstated members during the period will receive a Smedley Award ribbon and will be recognized in social media. They can also earn a special discount code for 10% off their next club order. (The discount code expires six months from the date of issue and is not valid with any other offer.)

Renew 8 or more members by 8/31/2024 - Qualified clubs will be recognized in social media

Renew 100% of members by 9/15/2024 - Qualified clubs will be recognized in social media and will be put into a drawing for a District Dollar Store Credit

First club to renew 100% of members by 9/30/2024 - The club will be recognized in social media, will receive a Where Leaders are Made Ribbon and a complimentary YouTube video highlighting the winning club, and will receive a Certificate of Achievement

Clubs that renew 100 % at the base for an entire year Oct 2024- Sept 2025 by 9/30/2024 - Qualified clubs will receive a Ribbon, will be recognized in social media, will receive a certificate of appreciation, will be featured on the district YouTube, will receive a $25 discount for one member to attend the District Conference on May 3rd, 2025 on Oahu.

First 20 members to renew for the whole year Oct 24-Sept 25 by 9/30/2024 - Qualified members will receive a limited edition 100th Anniversary Toastmaster pin. Please notify when you renew for two payments before 9/30/2024.

Clubs that complete and submit their Club Success Plan by 9/30/24 - Clubs must notify Area Director upon completion/submission and also notify to be entered into a drawing to win "Confident Voices" book about TI's 100-year history

Division Directors Challenge - Division Directors that attend the 8/31/24 District Leaders Training and complete and submit their Division Director Success Plan to PQD at by 9/30/2024 - Qualified Division Directors will receive a 100th Anniversary Pin and will be recognized in social media

Area Directors Challenge - Area Directors that attend the 8/31/24 District Leaders Training, attend at least 1 meeting for each of his/her area's clubs and complete an online assessment for each club in Round 1 and complete/submit their Area Director Success Plan to the Division Director and cc by 9/30/2024 - Qualified Area Directors will receive a 100th Anniversary Pin and will be recognized in social media

Winter Membership Challenge - Clubs that increase by 3 members between 10/1-12/31/2024 - Qualified clubs will be recognized in social media and will receive a certificate of appreciation.

Clubs that Achieve 5 Distinguished Club Goals by 12/31/2024 - Qualified clubs will receive a $25 gift certificate to District store and will be recognized in social media

Clubs with all 7 Club Officers trained in Round 1 by 8/31/2024 & Round 2 by 2/28/2025 - Qualified clubs will be recognized in social media and receive a $25 discount for one member to attend the District Conference on May 3rd, 2025 on Oahu.

Talk Up Toastmasters between 2/1-3/31/2025 - Clubs that gain 5 new, dual, or reinstated members during the period will receive a Talk Up Toastmasters ribbon and will be recognized in social media. They can also earn a special discount code for 10% off their next club order. (The discount code expires six months from the date of issue and is not valid with any other offer.)

Clubs that renew at least 12 members or 100% of its members if less than 12 members by 3/15/2025 - Qualified clubs will be recognized in social media

First club to renew 100% of members by 3/31/2025 - The club will be recognized in social media, will receive a Where Leaders are Made Ribbon. All the members of the club will receive a 100th Anniversary Pin.

Area Director Success Program - Area Directors who visit all the area clubs and complete Round 2 visits reports, and organize the area contests by 3/31/2025 - Qualified Area Directors will receive Toastmasters Padfolio

D49 Pillar Award - Members who provide Club Leads that result in a Chartered Club by 4/1/2025 - Qualified members will be recognized in social media and will receive a 100th Anniversary Pin and a $25 discount to District Conference on May 3rd, 2025 on Oahu

Clubs that earn at least Distinguished status by 4/30/2025 - Qualified clubs will be recognized in social media and on the website and will receive a $20 gift certificate to District Store

Personal Sponsorship Award - Members who sponsor ten new TMs within the program year by 4/30/2025 - Qualified members will be recognized and will receive a pin from Toastmasters International

Triple Crown - Members who complete three education awards in a single program year AND are properly processed by Club by 4/30/2025 - Awardees will be presented with their Triple Crown pins at the District Conference on May 3rd, 2025 on Oahu

10 Achievements - Members who complete ten education awards within the program year by 5/31/2025 - Qualified members will receive a Toastmasters plaque

Path Completion Award - Members who complete a full path in the 2024-2025 program year by 5/31/2025 to earn this award. Club VPE needs to inform - Qualified members will be recognized in social media and will receive a certificate

Beat The Clock Toastmasters between 5/1-6/30/2025 - Clubs that gain 5 new, dual, or reinstated members during the period will receive a Beat The Clock ribbon and will be recognized in social media. They can also earn a special discount code for 10% off their next club order. (The discount code expires six months from the date of issue and is not valid with any other offer.)

Sep 3, 2024

4 min read





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